Friday, March 23, 2012

Running Games

In reference to..  "The Hunger Games."
   I found the characters were good. It seemed like it was written for kids, and possibly by a twelve year old. I had a lot of unanswered questions at the end, and found some conflicting things. But the worse thing was the likeness to..  "The Running Man." I almost laughed out loud when I was watching it. (THE RUNNING MAN) The food shortages, to the different districts, and the one all powerful government/ district that rules. Even the games, with it's different cells and the realization at the end..  That the whole thing was a form of control. An illusion of lies and manipulation. Well, I guess if they make more of T.H.G. movies, that they might get better as they progress. (Like Twilight, Right? The first movie was painful to watch)
  I guess in the end, it depends on how much you love the characters, that determines if you'll actually like the books or not. I mean if you do, you want to see what happens to them right?

Well anyway, it looks like the movies doing good...  so who cares about the books right?

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