Many people, was have looked and developed their greater awareness of the ‘Purpose of Life’. For those who seek, there is an acceptance of evidence that consciousness survives, and exists, beyond the point of physical death, and continues, in another realm of existence. However, in ‘Western Civilisation’, there is an enigma, or mystery, regarding the continuity of life, or the process of reincarnation. Outside of organised ‘Western’
beliefs, or religions, most people accept survival of the ‘Soul’, and believe in reincarnation. On the other hand; as is always the case, there is a fair percentage, which flatly rejects the thought, of such a thing happening.

Over many years spirit communication, has stated that reincarnation is a natural fact and occurrence. Moreover, compelling evidence to support reincarnation has come to us through many credible researchers, such as Dr. Ian Stevenson (Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation) and Dr. Brian Weiss (Many Lives, Many Masters).
On the other hand; intriguing books, have added further, to the process of reincarnation, and how most people, think and comprehend it to be. Teachings have shown that; “reincarnation, as it is usually understood, does not really happen,” the spirit of the great Composer Franz Liszt said: “The truth is subtly different from the teachings of a reincarnationist on earth.” The spiritual teaching’s of ‘Silver Birch’ also mentions that; reincarnation is the exception, rather than the rule.
Of course, everything is for the comprehension of the individual. For a balanced perspective, you need to be able to grasp within their own thoughts, about any subject, and account for opposing views, on any given subject. Perhaps, it is best for those who seek, to gain a counterbalance, giving the individual, opportunity, to draw their own conclusions, and to look, and assimilate other points of view. In the words, of an edition of the text; “A Course in Miracles”, by Kenneth Wapnick, It says; “In the ultimate sense, reincarnation is impossible. There is no past, or future, and the idea of rebirth into a body, has no meaning either once, or many times”. All the same; there is strong evidence for reincarnation. Conflict; can easily lead one, to reject all revelation’s coming to us through mediums, or people, who’ve had a near-death experience, and investigators, who delve into past-life studies.
One simple explanation is; we do not become all-knowing, once we move from this world. For those who reside in the next realm, it is a place, where the residents (Spirits) are in most cases, in lower-spheres of life. For some, who still hang onto earthly gains, they think and believe as they did, when still in this ‘World of Matter and Earth’. There is a lot of misguided confusion; about the next sphere, or realm of existence, which is often referred to as the ‘Summerland’. Unenlightened souls are drawn to the practices of their old religious dogmas, and the doctrines practiced on earth, with their beliefs remaining unchanged. If they didn’t believe in reincarnation, they continue to disbelieve, if they believed in reincarnation, they continue to believe in it. It is all a matter of illumination and progression of the individual soul, as it moves through the attunement of its divine purpose of discovery and spiritual awareness.
Most spirit communication; is in general from the ‘lower spheres’ because the spirits communicator, is closer in vibration, to those of us, on the earth plane. The more one advances in the ‘World of Light’, the more difficult it is, for communication, owing to the difference, in vibrational frequency. This is exemplified, through the more highly advanced protagonist, or more spiritually aligned and attuned.

One of the most credible mediums of the late 19th Century, William Stainton Moses, asked his ‘Spiritual Guide’, about reincarnation. He was told; only the most advanced spiritual intelligences are able to converse, on this subject, and it is only given to those, who have attained a high awareness, of spiritual interaction. He was cautioned: “There are still mysteries, into which it is not well, that man should penetrate”.
One such mystery; is the ultimate development and destiny of spirits. Whether in the eternal counsel of the ‘Supreme’, it may be deemed well, that a particular spirit should, or should not be, again incarnated in a material form, is a question than none can answer, for no one, can know, not even the ‘spirit’s own guides’. There are other aspects of the question which, in the exercise of discretion, is withheld; the time is not yet come for certain knowledge to be given. Spiritual entities; cannot be expected to know all complex mysteries, and those who profess to do so, give the best proof of their inaccuracy.
Spiritual entities; on high vibrational sphere’s of understanding, realise it is necessary, to relay messages to various spiritual people, because of the difference in vibration. Another possible explanation is one of definition or semantics. When you ascend upon a higher spiritual scale, there is more recognition of reincarnation. In simple terms logic applies, the next dimension, and the movement between is not illogical, everything fits a plan, and nothing is by chance, when ones grasps a wider perspective of live itself.
Individual and Wider Purpose of the Soul
Many great spiritual teachers; have described the individuality of the earthly personality, and the small part it plays, within the collective consciousness, of greater purpose. Singularly, one is likened to a bright diamond, shining and casting light out into all directions, with its own facets, distinguishing one’s personality on earth.
The individual is only an element, of a far greater diamond, represented within a collective point of light. In the same way, what we all express and convey on earth, are a minuscule part of the collective, to which we all belong. As a result; personality is one of the faculties of the ‘individual soul’, and we are all fraction of a greater ‘Group Soul’ a unity, with wider reaching facets of spiritual interconnections and relationships, all for the purpose of, incarnation at different times, and places within the infinite.
All things are logical, for the purpose of providing the ‘Greater Soul’ with purpose and reason, within its unfoldement and divine purpose. An analogy; is to liken the ‘Soul’ to an ‘Iceberg’ where one small portion, visually revealed and the greater portion hidden, as if not manifesting. This is reference, t
o what is sometimes described as, the ‘Higher or Greater Self’. This gives too many, a complication; like trying to explain the colour of the sky, to someone, who has been blind from birth.

It has been stated that to understand psychic or spiritual evolution, the‘Group-Soul’ must be studied and understood. For instance, it explains many of the difficulties, which people say, can only be removed, by the doctrine of preconceived views about reincarnation. This may appear a frivolous assertion, but the fact is, we do appear on earth, to be paying for the sins of another life, in a certain sense, this is true. It is our life, and yet not, our life. In other words, a soul belonging to a group, is a part lived from a previous life, which builds up the framework of earthly life, which has been lived in, before passing through the entry of birth.
Further explained is that the ‘Group Soul’ contains countless other souls. The numbers vary, from individual, to individual. What the Buddhist would call ‘Karma’ is brought from a previous life, is very frequently, not that of my life, but of the life of a soul that has proceeded, by many earthly years. Now what is left is an outline, which made a person’s life, and has woven a pattern for others of its group, during it own earthly occupation.
Again, the soul is likened to an onlooker, caught within the spell of some drama which is being played, outside of its actual life. The soul will then perceive all the consequences of acts, moods, and thoughts of a kindred soul. There are an infinite variety of conditions in the invisible world, which makes no claim to being perfect. There is a general rule; based on what he had learned and experienced in the next dimension.
In 1918, it was recorded, that ‘Johannes of Glastonbury’, a Monk, who had lived from 1497 to 1533, communicated by means of ‘Automatic Writing’, a number of messages to, Frederick Bligh Bond, the Director of excavations, at Glastonbury Abbey. The messages were concerning the layout of the ‘Abbey Grounds’ in his day. Indirectly, Johannes mentioned; a ‘Group Soul’, when it was suggested, by another spirit individual, that Johannes might be “Earthbound” and his recall coloured to some extent by; “clinging onto vanished dreams”. In broken English Johannes replied: “Why cling to that which is not? It is I, and it is not I, but part of me, which dwells in the past, is bound to that which my carnal soul loved, called home, these many years. Yet, I, Johannes, am of many parts, and better part doeth other things –only that part which remembers, clings like memory to what it sees”...
Other sources of information; provide a wider perception, into the subject of reincarnation. It says; previous incarnation, is a part of a debt owed, a kind of karmic debt, or recompense for wrongs inflicted. This in part is true, those souls who are attracted to us, are part of ourselves, belonging to the same ‘Group’, or ‘Spiritual family’, held within a ‘Group Soul’. Their connection with us; is deeper and far more permanent than mere earthly contacts, could ever make it. They may be part of the same ‘Spirit as that Spirit’ is itself part of the‘Great Spirit’, the great ‘Company of Divinity’, that moves and operates far beyond our limited comprehension.
Reincarnation Terrestrial or Celestial
In the1939 Book; “Reincarnation for Everyman”, by Shaw Desmond expresses, there are two approaches to reincarnation, the ‘Terrestrial’ and
the ‘Celestial’. The earlier view; has the individual, returning again and again, as the same person, while the latter view, has the person ‘solely as spirit’, in their temporary home, within the ‘Physical Body’ a tiny projection, of the Greater Self.

As a result; it may be that those mystics and spirits, who have rejected reincarnation, were rejecting it, in the terrestrial sense, but not in the celestial. Think of an atom; it is made up of protons and neutrons, which all go to make up the nucleus surrounded by electrons. That is what a soul is like. These separate parts; held together in the nucleus, but the parts can be isolated. It is the isolated parts; of the nucleus of the soul, so to speak, which can manifest, as various personalities in this world. These are what the reincarnationalist calls different incarnations – but they all belong to one soul which can choose which particular part of the soul it wishes to manifest.
On a personal note; I am contented to view reincarnation, as I grasp the greatness of infinity, way beyond my own personal comprehension. I am satisfied to know and understand that our consciousness survives beyond the point of physical death and lives on in a world of spiritual light, compassion and harmony, which moves beyond what we term as the infinite…
The purpose of the document is simple; to allow people to look at the whole subject of ‘Reincarnation’, and to make up their own minds and judgement. The words are not within the realms of any doctrine, and or, any religious persuasion, more as a simple point of reference for the individual and to give an account of some views, with a counterbalance to provide a logical stream of ‘spiritual thought‘…
In Light and Peace
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